
• 10 May

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Winter's Chill: Impact on Vulnerable Communities Worldwide

Inadequate shelters offer little protection from the icy temperatures, with children and the elderly suffering the worst. For those who suffer from poor health and struggle to access medical care, Winter worsens existing mental and physical conditions.

The widows we support find that earning a livelihood becomes gruelling or even impossible when the frost settles on the ground and dark nights come earlier. With no warm winter blanket for their beds, orphaned children in their icy homes struggle through the temperatures at night. A lack of winter clothing means they shiver incessantly during the day.

See our Impact in Winter Seasons

Orphans in Need have been working for years providing warmth to vunerable families

Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab referred to winter as an ‘enemy’ that was swift to arrive but slow to leave. As the Amir of the Muslims, he encouraged the Ummah to prepare for it before its arrival. Every winter charity appeal we launch is developed to help those already stricken by poverty to prepare against the challenges of winter.

Together, there are many ways we can bring that gift of warmth through provisions to fight the worst of the winter’s chill. Our Winter Support Kits are designed to ensure the neediest communities are given winter clothing, winter blankets, heated homes, warm, nutritious meals, and the building of warm, secure homes for widows and orphans.


Families in Jammu & Kashmir

Were supported last winter


Widows & Orphans

Supported in the Gaza Strip last year


Widows & Orphans

Were supported last winter

Together, there are many ways we can bring that gift of warmth through provisions to fight the worst of the winter’s chill. Our Winter Support Kits are designed to ensure the neediest communities are given winter clothing, winter blankets, heated homes, warm, nutritious meals, and the building of warm, secure homes for widows and orphans.

A lack of winter coats means that we need to launch an appeal to provide this simple but essential item of winter clothing for tens of thousands of cold children. Across developing nations – Jammu & Kashmir, Nepal, Pakistan, and India, to name but a few, our winter appeal urges the generosity of others to dig deep when times are particularly hard. For that, we are incredibly grateful.

Give Today and Protect the Future of Children in Need

Can provide a Winter Relief Kit for an orphan (includes a blanket, hat, scarf, gloves and an insulated coat)


Can provide a Winter Relief Kit (includes clothing, blankets and food to feed a family for one month)


Can provide Emergency Medical Care and Hospital Support this winter.


Can provide winter clothing, blankets and food for 5 families for a whole month.


A Gift of Warmth for Orphan Jahan

10-year-old orphan Jahan Ara lives in the District of Sunsara, Nepal, with her mother and her older sister, Fatima.

Though life is difficult through the entire year, winter is the most difficult to survive. “Since my father died, life has been a big struggle. During winter, my mum struggles with us even more. It’s harder to get to school, and home is always cold at night. We can’t warm up. Her depression gets even worse during this season, and her grief is much harder for her to cope with.”

Both Jahan and Fatima are sponsored by Orphans in Need and, through this assistance, manage to continue with their education and enjoy basic security. “Since we got support, we can finally look forward to warm food in the evenings now. My sister and I love our cosy winter blankets, which make the nights so much easier. After a hot dinner and proper rest at night, I can concentrate much better at school. Fatima and I go in with our new winter coats too, which we both love!”

Please donate to those suffering this Winter and help us provide the support that will save lives.


Winter Survival

As temperatures plummet here in the UK, the harsh onset of winter brings a much more bitter challenge to vulnerable communities around the world.

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